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Philip Gleeson – what being a solicitor means to me

Looking back to my first time working in a solicitor’s office, what I really loved about it was helping people, and I think I have carried that through to today.

Generally, as a solicitor, no matter what area of work you are in, you are acting for or communicating with people in a stressful period of their life.

I really enjoy being the person with the knowledge and experience to guide someone through this journey.

Usually when people call us about an accident they have been involved in, they are often upset about what has happened and not sure what to do next. I like being able to put that person at ease in that first half hour of an initial consultation.

I love being able to say ‘we can help you out here; we can guide you through the process and get the best possible outcome for you. We will look after you and will deal with the problem you are facing. You can ask me any questions that you want, I’ll have those answers and I’ll guide you through the process.’

To be able to have the confidence and the expertise to provide them with that service is a great feeling to have as a professional. Because at the end of the day, we are ‘helpers’.

And at the end of the journey, to see that person resolve their case, to see them smile and be happy about the work that we’ve done – I get a real kick out of that, and that’s why I love this job.