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Healthcare staff experienced almost 29,000 incidences of assault over the past 5 years

These assaults led to serious injury in some cases, and took place in hospitals and other facilities throughout Ireland, according to a report published in the Irish Independent in July 2024.

There were 6,151 reported incidents in 2023. Nurses in particular bore the brunt of a high percentage of these attacks. Earlier this year, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) reported that from Jan 2023 to Feb 2024, over 4,016 nurses were verbally, physically or sexually assaulted in the workplace

INMO General Secretary Phil Ni Sheaghdha said of the figures:

“Far too many nurses and midwives are assaulted in the workplace. We know that this is a conservative figure as many nurses and midwives do not report these incidents, nor indeed do their employers. Too many of our members have had career-ending or career-changing incidents happen to them in the line of their work through no fault of their own.”

To help improve safety for all workers in the sector, the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) established an advisory division for health and social care services in April this year.

This division aims to promote best practice in occupational health and safety, through constant hazard identification and risk assessment with management.

Solicitor Maria Lakes, who deals with accident at work claims, welcomed the new advisory division and reiterated the need for reporting of accidents and assaults in the workplace.

“Any new initiative that serves to protect healthcare workers, who are often in incredibly demanding positions, is a positive move,” says Maria.

“I would advise anyone who has had an accident or experienced violence at work, to report it to your employer immediately,” she adds. “It’ so important that the employer is aware if there is an issue in the place of employment, as this can help prevent future incidents.”

“Remember, the law protects everyone who has had an accident at work, if it wasn’t your fault. This means the law allows you to claim compensation for the effects of that accident, once you can prove two things: that it was the negligence of your employer that led to the incident, and that you have evidence of your injuries through medical reports, photos etc.,” explains Maria.

If you are a healthcare worker and have been injured in the workplace through no fault of your own, contact us for a confidential discussion. Our specialist accident at work solicitors will be able to advise you on whether it is possible to make a personal injuries claim.