Arm and Hand Injury Claims*

Arm and hand injury claims can occur in the workplace, at home or in a public place. They are most common in slip and fall accidents, people who work with dangerous machinery or with repetitive motions and even those who work in an office, typing at a computer each day.

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Hand Parts Prone To Injury

Injuries to the arm or hand can affect a persons’ ability to work and perform their daily routines. An injury can range from a strain, stiffness, amputation or fracture.

Bones of Your Hand

The human hand is made up of a number of different bones. Within each finger there are three bones – the proximal, intermediate and distal phalanges. Damage to these can be repaired but it is likely not to recover to the mobility it once had.

Muscles, Tendons and Ligaments

These soft tissues allow your hand to grasp and release. Any damage to them can result in loss of movement which can be permanent.

Nerves of your Hand

The nerves placed inside the hand allow a person to have their sense of touch. If these nerves are damaged the sense of touch can be reduced.


Finger injuries can occur in the workplace, slip and fall accidents and in car accidents and usually fall into one of the following categories:

  • Lacerations
  • Fractures
  • Breaks
  • Crush Injuries
  • Degloving
  • Dislocations
  • Infections
  • Soft Tissue injuries
  • Burns
  • Amputation

Arm Parts Prone To Injury

Upper Arm

The upper arm consists of the humerus, while the forearm consists of the radius and the ulna. The radius and ulna allow movement of the hand which is critical for the full use of the forearm. The damaging or loss of one of these bones can have a significant impact on a persons’ life.


Elbow injuries can be caused by overuse and repetitive motion, leading to a repetitive strain injury. These are common injuries in the workplace for those who work with repetitive tasks each day.

Some of the most common elbow injuries include:

  • Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) – elbow pain, specifically the outside of the elbow caused by inflamed tendons.
  • Golfers Elbow (Epicondylitis) – elbow pain, specifically on the inside of the elbow caused by inflamed tendons.
  • Torn Ulnar Collateral Ligament – elbow pain caused by repetitive strain that affects the medial collateral ligament in the elbow.

Elbow injuries from a slip and fall at work or in a public place may also include:

  • Dislocation – when a person slips and falls and their hand takes the impact of the fall, the force of the fall may travel up the arm causing the elbow to dislocate.
  • Bicep Tendons Tear (at the elbow)
  • Elbow Fracture
  • Elbow Bursitis
  • Ulnar Nerve Entrapment (at the elbow)


Forearm injuries can occur in slip and fall accidents leading to the following complications:

  • Breaks and Fractures
  • Radius Fracture (Broken Forearm)
  • Ulna Fracture
  • Ligament and Tendon Damage
  • Nerve Damage


Wrist injuries may also be caused by repetitive strain in the workplace when working with repetitive tasks, they range from typing at a computer all day to working on an assembly line. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that workers are given adequate break/rest periods or given wrist supports were necessary to prevent some of these issues.

Some of the wrist injuries that can occur are:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – compression of the nerve that passes through the wrist.
  • Wrist Tendonitis – inflammation of the tendons in the wrist that join the muscles to the bones.
  • Wrist Bursitis – inflammation of the small sacks of fluid that are found in the wrist joint.
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome – pain, paralysis or numbness in the ring or little fingers from overuse.

In slip and fall cases, whether at work or in a public place the following injuries are common:

  • Wrist Fractures
  • Wrist Sprain

Causes of Arm and Hand Injuries

In the Workplace

A workplace that is not properly maintained or does not have adequate safety measures in place may present the risk of an accident occurring to an employee. Arm and hand injuries usually occur in the workplace because of repetitive strain or slip, trip or fall because of:

In such cases, liability may rest on the employer if it is proven that they did not provide a hazard free working environment.

In a Public Place

In public places, whether it be shops, supermarkets, business premises, public parks, playgrounds or simply walking along a footpath, there is an expectation that the area would be relatively risk and danger free. In cases where the owner/occupier of a public place or business premises failed to uphold their duty of care and not provide a risk-free environment and you can prove that your arm or hand injury could have been avoided if the occupier had taken necessary steps to provide a hazard free environment, then you may be entitled to pursue legal action.

Most common of accidents involving arm and hand injuries in public places have been:

  • Slip and fall on a wet floor in a shop/supermarket
  • Trip and fall over uneven flooring
  • Fall in a stair well because of broken or inadequate handrails
  • Tip and fall because of inadequate lighting
  • Slip and fall on wet floor/broken glass in a pub or nightclub
  • Tripping on a pot hole or poorly maintained footpath
  • Accidents in playgrounds and public parks

On the Road

On the road, there are many scenarios whereby a person could experience an arm or hand injury because of another person’s actions/inactions. In these cases where you can prove that your injury could have been avoided if the other party had not acted negligently, you may be entitled to pursue legal action.

Some examples of road traffic accidents involving arm and hand injuries have been:

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How do I make a claim?

Once you have gathered all the relevant information in relation to your injury it is then time to move forward with your claim. It is important to use a personal injury solicitor to help you with this.

  1. Prepare the information for a solicitor

    When you decide you want to move forward with your injury claim it is important to have all the relevant information to hand when contacting a solicitor. Important information to have on hand at this point is:

    • Date of the accident
    • Location of the accident
    • Details of who/what caused the accident
    • Specifics of what happened
    • Who did you report the accident to?
    • If any emergency services attended the scene and their details
    • Details of your injuries
    • Hospitals/Doctors attended with your injury
    • Any pictures you may have taken of the scene of the accident and/or your injuries
    • Details of any witnesses
    • Is there CCTV that may have captured the accident?
  2. Solicitor becomes your trusted advisor

    As a solicitor is aware of the injury claim process they can avoid any legal bumps in the road you might encounter if you did this yourself. It is their job to be your trusted advisor on all legal matters throughout your case.

  3. Solicitor obtains a medical report

    The most important document needed to prove your injuries is your medical report. The reason a solicitor will ask for your doctor’s details or if you have attended the hospital is so they can obtain all the medical reports required to pursue the case for you.

  4. Solicitor prepares the Injuries Board application

    As soon as your solicitor has gathered all the information, your injury claim will be submitted to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board for assessment. Your solicitor will do this for you. Once the Injuries Board assess your claim your solicitor will revert with a suggested settlement amount. At this stage, you have a choice to accept the Injuries Board assessment or reject it and move to the next steps.

    At this point one of two scenarios will unfold:

    a. If both you and the party at fault accept the Injuries Board assessment, your case is settled and the person at fault will be ordered to pay settlement to you.

    b. If either you or the person at fault reject the Injuries Board assessment, then you move to the next stage and your solicitor will issue legal proceedings.

  5. Possible case outcomes

    Before you start to concern yourself with court and everything that comes with it, it’s important to understand that only a very small percentage of cases actually make it to a courtroom.

    Settlement meetings will be arranged where a settlement can be negotiated. Most cases are settled at this point without ever having to step foot into a courtroom and remember it’s your solicitor’s job to be with you every step of the way, right beside you to ensure that your best interests are met at all stages. Your solicitor is to be your trusted advisor throughout the process and to let you focus on your recovery, as they focus on settling your case.

At Tracey Solicitors LLP, we make law accessible to all — regardless of your knowledge or experience with the claims process. For more information and a confidential discussion on your accident, phone 01 649 9900 where you can speak with a member of our team straight away, or email to tell us about your case.

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Case Settlement

If you are to proceed with an injury claim you may be entitled to claim compensation for the injury and added expenses you may have incurred. These claims are called damages.

General Damages

General damages are non-financial damages such as pain and suffering and/or physical and emotional injuries following an accident.

Special Damages

Special damages are out of pocket expenses incurred as a result of the injury, for example, loss of earnings (if you are out of work), medical bills, and added travel costs as a result of the injury (for example, travel to and from the hospital). Learn more about Special Damages. 

Material Damages

Material damage refers to damage caused to your personal property. For example, in a road traffic accident, the material damage would be the damage to your car.

What are the Legal Time Limits?

The statute of limitations are the legal time limits on how long you have to make a claim — these vary depending on the situation. The general rule for most personal injury cases is that the person has two years from the date of the accident or date of knowledge of the accident to make a claim for compensation. Contacting a solicitor to discuss your case will help you in determining how long you have left to make a claim.

Learn more about Time Limits

About Tracey Solicitors LLP

We draw on more than 35 years of experience in personal injury law to provide you with expert advice and legal services.

We’re here to help you with your claim, and will work with you to ensure you understand every step of your legal journey.

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